Monday, June 13, 2016

Chief Quiet Hawk's Thoughts on Religion & Spirituality

Religion and spirituality Is there a difference? Can we find a difference? It is the process, it has always been the process or the reason why.My beginning while my father was at war in Europe I was introduced and loved being Seventh Day Adventist. I will never forget learning my Bible stories in a very large sand box. Maybe it had such an effect because I’m a visual learner but I will never forget the impact. Now comes one of God’s lessons. Remember he is the teacher.

When my father came home from the war and started his business my brother Bill and I asked if we could go to Gouldtown church because they worshiped on Sunday. All of our friends went to the movies on Saturday. We were so delighted when Dad said yes. That Saturday we were awakened to go to work with him instead of going to the movies.

 Going to church saved my life, in church I had many teachers and many lessons. Think about what I learned; respect God’s house, respect those that God has given the responsibility of teaching and helping you to be saved, respect and adhere to the Ten Commandments, everything that I mentioned has the same base as the Native Spirituality. Every Tribe has different times and reasons for their communication with God. Planting, harvesting, weather, new born, saying goodbye or just saying thank you. Respect and loving God no matter what his name is in your language is what saved our people and if we continue to lean on him we will continue to survive.

All that we do should be based on the same teachings; loving, compassion and respect. I can’t judge how religion was introduced to our people, but I do realize that was not an acceptable transition. Remember it was not the religion, it was the people that brought it. I kill you in the name of Jesus. I take your land in the name of Jesus. That’s not Jesus that is people, power and greed.

I have participated and assisted in Native ceremonies in the US and Canada and they all were based on our love and respect for our Creator. When we tried to reestablish the old ceremonies we were told that if we did something wrong that we would be punished for doing it wrong. Now that I’m older and understand more I realize that I do not have to be perfect or speak beautifully. God is personal, he listens to all and has always been by our side whatever our needs.

Keep on loving him and I guarantee he will love you back.

Chief Mark Quiet Hawk Gould