Thursday, March 10, 2016

PDF Book on Ministry Challenges among the Nanticoke-Lenape Communities

We Have Come this Far by Grace

by Rev JR Norwood, PhD

For many people, the presence of tribulation means the absence of God's grace.  But, this could not be farther from the truth.  In this sermon from April 27, 2014, Pastor Norwood is preaching at the Harmony United Methodist Church of Millsboro, Delaware, on the occasion of their Native American Sunday observance.  He speaks about the fact that the presence of difficulty does not necessarily mean the absence of grace.

Prayer that Avails Much

By Rev JR Norwood, PhD

It would be hard to find a believer who would disagree that prayer is an important part of our walk of discipleship.  In this sermon, preached on April 19, 2015 at the historic Indian Mission Church of Millsboro, Delaware, Pastor Norwood examines what effective and fervent prayer is all about.

Remembering the Martyrs of the Gnadenhutten Massacre

by Rev. JR Norwood, PhD

The Gnadenhutten massacre, also known as the Moravian massacre, was the killing of 96 Christian Lenape (28 men, 29 women, 29 children) by colonial American militia from Pennsylvania on March 8 & 9, 1782 at the Moravian missionary village. In an effort to spare their ammunition, the militia men bludgeoned the Indians to death with mallets and the butts of their guns. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Christmas Reflections

By Chief Mark Gould

Christmas is a special time for most of us. I’m siting hear on my job thinking about the blessings and struggles that made me who I am today. 

Mixed Feelings on Thanksgiving

by Chief Mark Gould

I have very mixed emotions about Thanksgiving... and so should we all. 

The Chief's Reflection on Prayer

by Chief Mark Gould

Prayer has gotten us this far and prayer is going to take us all the way. That’s what I would like to talk about.