Friday, June 15, 2018

Grace Makes the Difference

A sermon by Dr. J.R. Norwood delivered at the 2018 Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Pow-Wow Sunday Morning Worship Service held on June 10, 2018…

Nothing Can Compare

A Sermon by Dr. J.R. Norwood delivered at the Harmony United Methodist Church of Millsboro, DE on May 6, 2018…

Monday, May 21, 2018

Reflecting on Our Blessings

by Chief Mark Quiet Hawk Gould

To All My Relations and Supporters.

This has been a long seventy six year journey with many pleasant memories. We can fixate on the atrocities, but it serves us well when we live with the lessons that came with those atrocities. Those

Gratitude: Tribal Mothers

by Chief Mark Quiet Hawk Gould

Thank you to all of the MOTHERS that carried the Tribe through these trying years.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Celebrating 200 Years of Grace!

by Dr. J.R. Norwood

On May 6, 2018, I was asked to preach at a church in Millsboro, Delaware, that has a special place in the history of my family. 200 years ago, the Harmony Church trustees purchased a plot of land from