(A modern indigenous paraphrase of “The Roman Road” by Dr. JR Norwood)
Romans 1:20-21; The Creator’s character has always been plain to see in his creation. His power and his greatness are displayed all around in what he has made. Everyone can know of He-Who-Creates-Us-By-His-Thoughts [1], so there is no excuse for not honoring him. Yet, many have chosen not to honor him, or to be grateful to him, but have walked the path of fools who no longer think or live in a good way.
Romans 3:23; Everyone has done what is wrong... everyone has disobeyed and dishonored the Creator.
Romans 5:8; But the Creator shows his love for us even while we all dishonored him and acted as his enemies, he still sent the the great warrior Jesus Christ, who willingly came to be killed in our place.
Romans 6:23; We all ought to be killed for dishonoring the Creator, but instead the Creator has given the gift of good life that lasts forever through the great warrior Jesus Christ, who is the Chief of Heaven and ruler of all there is.
Romans 10:9-10; If your words are true when you speak of your trust and faith in the great ruler Jesus and your heart knows that the Creator brought him back to life after he was killed, you will be rescued and made one of the Creator’s special ones forever.
Romans 10:13; Anyone who speaks the truth of their trust in the power of the great ruler will be rescued and made one of the Creator’s special ones.
Romans 11:36; Because everything comes from the Creator and lives by the will of the Creator, all things belong to the Creator whose greatness continues forever. Na ne lekech.[2]
[1] "Kishelemukong" in the Unami dialect of Lenape
[2] “Na ne lekech” means “let it be so” or “Amen” in the Unami Dialect of Lenape