following calls to worship include words from the Unami Dialect of Lenape and
incorporate phraseology consistent with Nanticoke-Lenape cultural
traditions. (by Dr JR Norwood)
Wentaxakw![1] Come here you people! Temikekw![2] Enter into the house of our Creator! Gather to give him thanks. Gather to worship him. Gather in the name of our living Savior, Jesus Christ, the Great Chief of Heaven.
Temikekw![3] Enter into the house of the Lord! Praise him. Kpentakuna![4] He hears us! He hears us all!
[1] "Wentaxakw" roughly means "Come here you people" in the Unami dialect of Lenape
[2] "Temikekw" roughly means "You people enter in" in the Unami dialect of Lenape. It was used as a call to the Xinkwikaon, which was a long house used by the Lenape for seasonal community ceremonies, called the "Big House."
[3] same as #2
[4] "Kepentakuna" is translated "He hears us all" and is an inclusive form, including all who are gathered. An exclusive form, "mpentakuna" indicating "He hears us" referring to only a select group and excluding some who may be present.