Monday, July 18, 2016

Life is Sacred - A Prayer in Response to Recent Domestic Shootings and International Terrorism

A prayer by Dr. J R Norwood

Lord Jesus, Creator and Redeemer, our nation and our world are torn by violence. The sinful refusal to see one another as your image bearers has left families in deep mourning over loved ones lost and inflamed irrational responses and extremism among many who have harbored hostility against those whom you have declared to be their neighbors.  Far too often we have rejected your command to honor, value, and respect all life.

Gracious Savior, stir our hearts with charity and temper our thoughts with wisdom. Transform shouts for revenge into cries of repentance. Let us look to you who from the cross took pity even upon your slayers with the words of grace and compassion, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Help us to see the roots of our current anguish that we might overcome the cause and not merely react to the symptom. Bring comfort to our world and shine the light of your love and truth through your disciples until the whole world is blessed by the overflow.

In you, through whom we live and move and have our being. Amen